
CLI (and Docker Container) Usage

After installation, the cli instance can be called with the knewkarma command (or docker run [container-name] for Docker Containers)

knewkarma --help
docker run -t my-knewkarma-container --help
Usage: knewkarma [-h] [-t {hour,day,week,month,year}]
                 [-s {controversial,new,top,best,hot,rising}] [-l LIMIT]
                 [--time-format {concise,datetime}] [-e EXPORT] [-u] [-v]
                 {post,posts,search,subreddit,subreddits,user} ...

Knew Karma: A Reddit Data Analysis Toolkit — by Richard Mwewa

Positional Arguments:
    post                post module (semi-bulk)
    posts               posts module (bulk)
    search              search module (bulk)
    subreddit           subreddit module (semi-bulk)
    subreddits          subreddits module (bulk)
    user                user module (semi-bulk)

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -t, --timeframe {hour,day,week,month,year}
                        (bulk/semi-bulk) timeframe to get data from (default:
  -s, --sort {controversial,new,top,best,hot,rising}
                        (bulk/semi-bulk) sort criterion (default: all)
  -l, --limit LIMIT     (bulk/semi-bulk) data output limit (default: 100)
  --time-format {concise,datetime}
                        determines the format of the output time (default:
  -e, --export EXPORT   a comma-separated list of file types to export the
                        output to (supported: csv,html,json,xml)
  -u, --updates         check for updates on run
  -v, --version         show program's version number and exit

Knew Karma (/nuː ‘kɑːrmə/) is a Reddit Data Analysis Toolkit designed to
provide an extensive range of functionalities for exploring and analysing
Reddit data. It includes a Command-Line Interface (CLI), an Application
Programming Interface (API) to enable an easy integration in other Python
Projects and a Graphical User Interface (GUI) for Windows machines, making it
adaptable for various user preferences.

You can further view individual operation mode usages by calling knewkarma with an operation mode name and the -h/--help flag.

Subreddit Module Usage

knewkarma subreddit --help
docker run -it my-knewkarma-container subreddit --help
Usage: knewkarma subreddit [-h] [-p] [-s SEARCH] [-pp] [-wp WIKI_PAGE] [-wps]

Subreddit: Pull a specified subreddit's data.

Positional Arguments:
  subreddit             subreddit name

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -p, --profile         get a subreddit's profile
  -s, --search SEARCH   get a subreddit's posts that contain the specified
  -pp, --posts          get a subreddit's posts
  -wp, --wiki-page WIKI_PAGE
                        get a subreddit's specified wiki page data
  -wps, --wiki-pages    get a subreddit's wiki pages

The Subreddit module is used to pull a specified subreddit's data including
profile, posts, wiki pages, or even searching posts that have the specified

┃                                  Examples                                  ┃

                            Get subreddit profile

 knewkarma subreddit MachineLearning --profile

                             Get subreddit posts

 knewkarma subreddit MachineLearning --posts

        Search a subreddit for posts that contain a specified keyword

 knewkarma subreddit MachineLearning --search "artificial intelligence"

                          Get subreddit's wiki pages

 knewkarma subreddit MachineLearning --wiki-pages

                   Get subreddit's specified wiki page data

 knewkarma subreddit MachineLearning --wiki-page config/description

Subreddits Module Usage

knewkarma subreddits --help
docker run -it knewkarma subreddits --help
Usage: knewkarma subreddits [-h] [-a] [-d] [-n] [-p]

*Subreddits: Pull subreddits from various sources.

  -h, --help     show this help message and exit
  -a, --all      get all subreddits
  -d, --default  get default subreddits
  -n, --new      get new subreddits
  -p, --popular  get popular subreddits

The Subreddits module is used to pull subreddits from various sources such as
new, default, or popular.

┃                                  Examples                                  ┃

                              Get all subreddits

 knewkarma subreddits --all

                            Get default subreddits

 knewkarma subreddits --default

                              Get new subreddits

 knewkarma subreddits --new

                            Get popular subreddits

 knewkarma subreddits --popular

Post Module Usage

knewkarma post --help
docker run -it knewkarma post --help
Usage: knewkarma post [-h] [-d] [-c] id subreddit

Post Module: Pull an individual post's data

Positional Arguments:
  id              post id
  subreddit       post source subreddit

  -h, --help      show this help message and exit
  -d, --data      get post data
  -c, --comments  get post comments

The Post module is used to pull an individual post's data including its
comments, provided the post's id and source subreddit are provided.

┃                                  Examples                                  ┃

                              Get a post's data

 knewkarma post 12csg48 OSINT --data

                            Get a post's comments

 knewkarma post 12csg48 OSINT --comments

Posts Module Usage

knewkarma posts --help
docker run -it my-knewkarma-container posts --help
Usage: knewkarma posts [-h] [-n] [-f] [-l {best,controversial,popular,rising}]

Posts: Pull posts from various sources.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -n, --new             get new posts
  -f, --front-page      get posts from the reddit front-page
  -l, --listing {best,controversial,popular,rising}
                        get posts from a specified listing

The Posts is used to pull posts from sources like the front page, a listing,
or new posts.

┃                                  Examples                                  ┃

                                Get new posts

 knewkarma posts --new

                       Get posts from Reddit Front-Page

 knewkarma posts --front-page

                       Get posts from specified listing

 knewkarma posts --listing best

Search Module Usage

knewkarma search --help
docker run -it my-knewkarma-container search --help
Usage: knewkarma search [-h] [-u] [-p] [-s] query

Search: Get search results from various sources.

Positional Arguments:
  query             search query

  -h, --help        show this help message and exit
  -u, --users       search users
  -p, --posts       search posts
  -s, --subreddits  search subreddits

The Search module is used for search/discovery of targets in users,
subreddits, and posts.

┃                                  Examples                                  ┃

                                 Search users

 knewkarma search john --users

                              Search subreddits

 knewkarma search ask --subreddits

                                 Search posts

 knewkarma search covid-19 --posts

User Module Usage

knewkarma user --help
docker run -it my-knewkarma-container user --help
Usage: knewkarma user [-h] [-p] [-c] [-o] [-pp] [-sp SEARCH_POSTS]
                      [-sc SEARCH_COMMENTS] [-mc] [-tc TOP_N]

User: Pull a specified user's data.

Positional Arguments:
  username              username

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -p, --profile         get a user's profile
  -c, --comments        get a user's comments
  -o, --overview        get a user's most recent comment activity
  -pp, --posts          get a user's posts
  -sp, --search-posts SEARCH_POSTS
                        get a user's posts that contain the specified keyword
  -sc, --search-comments SEARCH_COMMENTS
                        get a user's comments that contain the specified
  -mc, --moderated-subreddits
                        get subreddits moderated by the user
  -tc, --top-subreddits TOP_N
                        get a user's top n subreddits based on subreddit
                        frequency in n posts

The User module is used to pull a specified user's data including profile,
comments, posts, searching posts that contain the specified kwyword, or even
searching comments that contain the specified keyword.

┃                                  Examples                                  ┃

                               Get user profile

 knewkarma user  AutoModerator --profile

                              Get user comments

 knewkarma user  AutoModerator --comments

                                Get user posts

 knewkarma user  AutoModerator --posts

                   Get user's most recent comment activity

 knewkarma user AutoModerator --overview

            Get a user's posts that contain the specified keyword

 knewkarma user AutoModerator --search-posts rules

           Get a user's comment that contain the specified keyword

 knewkarma user AutoModerator --search-comments banned

                       Get subreddits moderated by user

 knewkarma user TheRealKSi --moderated-subreddits

     Get user's top n subreddits based on subreddit frequency in n posts

 knewkarma --limit 500 user TheRealKSi --top-subreddits 10