Knew Karma API Documentation


The Knew Karma API offers a powerful way to interact with Reddit data, providing asynchronous access to user profiles, subreddit information, posts, comments, and more. This API is designed for developers with a basic understanding of asynchronous programming. To help you get started, we’ve included detailed examples showcasing how to utilize various API features effectively.

Key Classes

The API exposes six primary classes, each tailored for different types of data retrieval:

  • User: Fetch data related to Reddit users, such as profiles, posts, and comments.

  • Subreddit & Subreddits: Access information about specific subreddits, or a collection of subreddits.

  • Posts & Post: Retrieve data on individual posts or collections of posts.

  • Search: Perform searches across users, subreddits, and posts.

Timeframes and Sorting

When fetching posts or comments, you can specify timeframes ("hour", "day", "month", "year") and sorting criteria ("controversial", "new", "top", "best", "hot", "rising"). Leaving these parameters unspecified defaults to retrieving data across all timeframes and sort criteria.

Code Example: Fetching User Data

import asyncio
import aiohttp
from knewkarma import User

async def fetch_user_data(username):
    user = User(username=username)
    async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
        profile = await user.profile(session=session)
        posts = await user.posts(limit=5, session=session)
        comments = await user.comments(limit=100, session=session)
        print(profile, posts, comments)"TheRealKSi"))

This example demonstrates how to initiate a User instance, fetch the user’s profile, posts, and comments. Modify the limit parameter to control the amount of data retrieved.

Utilizing time_format Parameter

The time_format parameter affects how timestamps are displayed in your results. Use "concise" for relative times (e.g., "5 minutes ago") or "locale" for locale-based formatting. Here’s how to apply it:

posts = await user.posts(limit=5, session=session, time_format="concise")